Wedding Planning

Wedding Vendor Contract: Things You Need to Know

A wedding vendor contract can be considered a huge investment in life. You should fully understand the thing that you are agreeing and signing too. But the question is, what are you agreeing to? What’s between the lines of this contract? Let’s find out.

The Importance of Wedding Contract

A contract gives assurance that everyone is on the same page. It protects both sides from possible issues.  It is a formal agreement between the couple and the vendor that determines their expectations.

Organization of A Contract

Contracts are composed of sections called clauses. The clauses include services provided, travel, payment, postponements and cancellations, termination, and force majeure. Services provided simply contains the rundown of the service offered by the vendor. Travel includes additional fees for the vendors if the event will happen outside the vendor’s standard radius. Payment includes clearly listed financial details. Postponement and cancellations include rescheduling the event and knowing if it changes the cost. Termination happens when the couple is not satisfied with the service. Lastly, the French term force majeure refers to the excuse of the vendor when something beyond their control happens.

Common Wedding Vendor Contract Terms

1. Retainer

A retainer is another term for a non-refundable deposit.

2. Liquidated damages

It is the legal term for a non-refundable deposit.

3. Jurisdiction and Venue

It is where the lawsuits regarding your contract can take place.

5. Act of God

It is a subclass of a force majeure event.

6. Waiver

Waiver contains lapses in payment.

7. Severability

This is the portion of the contract that can be voided without invalidating the whole contract.

8. Indemnification

It is defined as the compensation for any harm or legal liability that occurs from your event.

Be wise and intelligently understand what you are signing for. Consider legitimacies for your big event. Let a contract help you to feel secure during your wedding.

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