Getting Engaged

Things to Do If You Don’t Like Your Engagement Ring

Here’s the thing, he is there kneeling in front of you, nervous but excitedly asking “Will you marry me?”. You said “yes”. He is about to put the ring on your finger, but you come to stop. Stuck. He is now putting the ring on your finger and there is no turning back. You are thinking deeply. It is not because you do not love your significant other.

The thing is you do not like the ring, and it seems that it is the worst ring you’ve ever seen in your entire life. It does not fit your expectation. What will you do? If you are in this kind of situation right now and do not know what to do, we provide you a list of solutions that will help you to handle this kind of situation.

1. Give It a Try

“First impression lasts” does not always apply to all situations. There are times that things get better when you become used to it. Just like loving your significant other, you do not just look into its physical appearance. Just like him, you may become more in love as time passes by that the ring is on your finger. Give it a chance, wear it, and wait for the time that you can see it is beautiful and perfect for you.

2. Talk About It Together

Honesty is one of the best parts of any romantic relationship. If the hatred about the ring bothers you, then it’s time for you to talk with your fiancé. Be honest with him and tell him that you do not like the ring. It may disappoint him, but the important thing is you tell what you feel. Find a good approach in talking to him about this. Talk in private. In this way, he can understand you and find ways together to resolve the problem.

3. Exchange It or Return It

If your fiancé bought it from a jewelry store, you, with your fiancé might have a chance to have it exchanged for the ring you want to receive. You may also return it and look for other shops to buy the ring that fits your taste.

4. Modify It

You might not see it, but the ring may have a deeper value than what you think. Maybe the ring is your fiancé’s family heirloom. If that’s the case, the ring is really valuable. You can neither exchange nor return it, but you can modify it. There are several do-it-yourself techniques for modifying the ring and make it suitable for your style. You can also ask for professionals to work on the modification of your ring.

5. Choose Your Dream Wedding Ring

If you choose not to express your hatred about the ring, then you can cherish your chance when it’s time to decide on your wedding ring. Surely, your significant other will ask about your preference and grab the chance to choose the best wedding ring for you, but do not forget to consider your budget for this.

6. Don’t Say Anything If You Just Think About Its Material Value

Be honest with yourself. Ask yourself questions like “Do I not love the style of the ring? Or it is because the stone is too small, and the metal quality of the ring is poor?” In this case, the ring is not a problem. If you are just disappointed because its material value is low, keep it with yourself and do not tell your fiancé about it. It is humiliating for him that you think he is inadequate because he does not have enough money to buy the ring with higher value in the market. Be sensitive and appreciate what your lover can give to you.

Keep in mind that you are getting married to the person you love the most, the ring is just a resemblance of him asking your permission to be married to him. Do not pay so much attention to the ring. Ask yourself if you are ready to commit to a lifetime with him and create a harmonious family. Do not ever trade love for material things.

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